Hiking DifficultyEasy
Biking DifficultyEasy
Equestrian DifficultyEasy
1.40 mi
Trail Traffic
Route Type
Bathrooms Available
Recommended UseHiking
To access Beck Hill, begin at the Chuckwalla Trailhead.
On the south side of the Paradise Canyon area of the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, you’ll find a network of trails, and one of those is Beck Hill. Nestled between the Chuckwalla and the Paradise Rim trails, you can use Beck as an out-and-back trail, or part of a larger loop. As you follow the rocky trail, you’ll climb over 300 feet in elevation and traverse dirt, rock and sand.
You’ll be focused on maneuvering over the rugged terrain, but don’t forget to look up and take-in the beautiful red rock cliffs all around you as you keep your eyes peeled for tortoises, lizards, rabbits, eagles and other animals. And, of course, we can’t forget the Beck Hill rock formation, one of the dominant landmarks in the western St. George area. You’ll know it when you see the symmetrical peak with a distinct, steep-sided black summit – great for climbing!
Used for hiking, biking, nature walks, and birding, these trails are best from March to October and typically see moderate traffic from locals and tourists alike. Feel free to bring your dog, as long as it’s kept on a leash.